A Level Art Exhibition 2024

A huge congratulations to all our Year 13 students doing A Level Art and Media, your show was fantastic. You have worked hard and curated your own exhibition such a variety of work. You should be proud of your achievements, we are! The Year 7’s really enjoyed seeing it. A big thank you to Sofia, our amazing technician, without her support this show would not have been possible…

Y9 Performing Arts Festival Preparation

Year 9 students are very busy making origami birds, hundreds of them. Over the next couple of weeks these birds will have hidden messages of gratitude inside and be decorated with silver leaf.. Watch out for them fluttering everywhere. Reflecting the sunlight and dancing around in the breeze….

Y7 Colourful Fruit Ceramics

Year 7 have been working on their colourful ceramics unit, building up to making the fruit tiles with some experimental drawing and photography (Fruit Shoot!). Once they had finished their exam unit, these students have been able to glaze their pieces. They look fabulous!

Y7 Colourful Landscapes Exam

Year 7 have worked really hard on their colourful landscapes exam, in three double lessons they have researched and responded to artists that they have chosen for the theme. Here are a few examples, they are very impressive!

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