A Level Art Exhibition 2024

A huge congratulations to all our Year 13 students doing A Level Art and Media, your show was fantastic. You have worked hard and curated your own exhibition such a variety of work. You should be proud of your achievements, we are! The Year 7’s really enjoyed seeing it. A big thank you to Sofia, our amazing technician, without her support this show would not have been possible…

Year 12 Workshops

Year 12 have made such a fabulous start to the course. They have participated in process led workshops and presented their work in their A2 handmade books…

Year 13 Printmaking

We do lots of printmaking, both in its own right, but also as a development process towards painting outcomes. I love the way these students have explored the medium of print for both final outcomes and process.

Some impressive artwork

Our sixth form students have been working very hard this term, Y12 have been developing their painting and drawing skills and Y13 have been working towards their mock exam in December. These are just some of the highlights.

Amazing creative opportunities…

There are two fantastic opportunities here for you to submit work you have already made, or make something specific to enter, The Westminster competition asks you to respond to one of a few themes/ issues, the RA competition is an open call. Details attached here, good luck and just follow the attached instructions, please do email your art teacher and let them know you have applied!


Happy New Year

This wasn’t the way we expected to start 2021 but as we do like to find the positive…. there are many artists who have developed their practice in unexpected ways by the confinements of working at home… Firstly though, here’s some Level work from the end of last term just to bring some joy… Their work is fantastic…

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