Y7 Colourful Landscapes Exam

Year 7 have worked really hard on their colourful landscapes exam, in three double lessons they have researched and responded to artists that they have chosen for the theme. Here are a few examples, they are very impressive!

Y10 Exams

Well done Year 10, we are all very proud of your achievements in this first unit and the exam this week. Here are a few examples of the amazing work they have made.

Year 12 Workshops

Year 12 have made such a fabulous start to the course. They have participated in process led workshops and presented their work in their A2 handmade books…

Year 8 – A Year of Texture

Just one or two Y8 books from last year, showing some of the curriculum in action. Abstract painting with mark-making, Textures exam unit, they made some terracotta clay shells and Textiles quilting….

One to Watch…

We are delighted that Stephanie has been offered a solo show at the Thompson Gallery in London. This is an incredible achievement. The gallery saw Stephanie’s work in the St Marylebone Gallery space in Blandford Street and connected with her, she had also had one of her paintings selected from 20,000 entries for the RA Young Artists Live Exhibition at the Royal Academy too. Do go and see her work, it is definitely worth the 10 minute walk from school. Well done Stephanie!


Some impressive artwork

Our sixth form students have been working very hard this term, Y12 have been developing their painting and drawing skills and Y13 have been working towards their mock exam in December. These are just some of the highlights.

Changing Lives

Students in Y10 (now y11) participated in the St Marylebone church changing lives project. They painted portraits of people associated with the church- it had now been put up for all to see! well done all!

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